10 College Degrees That You Haven’t Heard Of

Did you know that there are over 223,00 different types of degree programs out there? That's not even counting the degrees that some colleges have. Nearly every topic imaginable has its own major and/or degree. The Internet also has a fair share of degrees for people who want to get their education outside of the conventional manner. What we've done is collected 10 degrees that you've probably never heard of before.

Mortuary Science

Mortuary science is the study of death and dying. This might not be a topic that most people want to study, but it's an important field nonetheless. If you're interested in helping families deal with the death of a loved one, then this could be the degree for you. You'll learn about everything from funeral planning to grief counseling.

Sexual and Reproductive Health

This degree is perfect for people who are passionate about helping others. It covers everything from pregnancy and childbirth to STDs and contraception. You'll also learn about the social, political, and economic factors that affect sexual health.

Prop Making

If you're the creative type, then prop making might be the degree for you. It's a field that covers everything from set design to special effects. If you have a passion for movies or theater, this could be your degree.

Circus Arts

Circus arts is a degree that combines performance art with physical fitness. If you're looking for a unique and challenging degree, this could be a perfect choice. You'll learn everything from a trapeze to tumbling.

Animal Behavior

If you've ever wondered what goes on in a dog's mind, then animal behavior might be the degree for you. This field is dedicated to understanding the behavior of animals. You'll learn about everything from domestication to aggression.

Ethical Hacking

Ethical hacking is a degree that teaches you how to hack into computer systems to detect and fix vulnerabilities. It's a rapidly growing field, and it's perfect for people interested in computers and security.

Brewery and Distillery Science

Brewery and distillery science is a degree that teaches you how to make beer and liquor. If you're interested in making your alcohol, this could be your degree. You'll learn about everything from fermentation to distillation.

Game Designing

Game designing is a degree that teaches you how to create video games. If you're interested in digital art, this could be the perfect degree for you. You'll learn about everything from storyboarding to programming.

Floral Design

Floral design is a degree that teaches you how to create beautiful flower arrangements. If you're passionate about flowers, this could be the perfect degree for you. You'll learn about everything from floral composition to wedding decorating.

Viticulture and Enology

Viticulture and enology is a degree that teaches you how to make wine. If you're interested in winemaking, this could be the perfect degree. You'll learn about everything from grape cultivation to wine tasting.


There you have it, ten college degrees that you've probably never heard of before. These degrees are unique and challenging, and they offer a wealth of opportunities for people who are passionate about learning. If you're looking for a degree that's different from the rest, consider one of these options.

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